Tiger Mocking Kevin Na For Quickly Reaching For His Putt On 17 Showed A Side Of Tiger We Almost Never See

So people are losing their minds over this and I suppose rightfully so. Tiger mocked Kevin Na on 17 after Na quickly reached for his birdie putt on 17 and the two of them shared a hearty chuckle about it. I mean they laughed a lot. Just two former Fore Play guests having a grand ol time on the 17th hole at TPC Sawgrass. Tiger laughed more in that clip than I’ve seen him laugh over the course of his entire public life combined. There’s a real chance he’s still laughing in the clubhouse as I type these words. He had a full of giggle fit out there with Na. The golf world is gonna be replaying that clip for the rest of time and probably after that even.

Not to be a turd in the punch bowl but, as a guy who wants to see Tiger win a bunch more major, that was a bit of a strange moment. Dan Hicks was dead on when he said there was ZERO CHANCE we would’ve seen Tiger do that a few years back. Tiger never used to smile on the golf course let alone laugh. I know I’m being a real Debbie Downer here, and don’t get me wrong, I like that Tiger is happy and enjoying himself and I like that his neck is clearly healthy and blah blah blah. But Tiger isn’t having the greatest week out there and he’s making jokes and laughing it up. We’ve known it for awhile now but it truly is a new era of Tiger Woods.

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